How the suddenly rich are disrespecting their money

A friend sent me pictures of leftover food at her new marital home. It made me sick. Boxes and boxes of food ordered from restaurants and left half eaten. In a poor country, it is a crime to waste food like this. And such a shame when the farmers who grow food are struggling so much. So much irreverence to their effort, I thought.

But my friend had a different story to tell. She is a simple girl, extremely talented in her design and drawing craft. She remained unmarried for a long time, immersing herself in her profession and work. She excelled at it. She belonged to an upper middle class family and was an only child. She was brought up with the typical middle class values of saving, thrift and long term thinking. Until she met a newly-minted multi millionaire who fell in love with her work first, wooing her eventually to marry him.

What our conversation revealed about that extremely rich household is shocking to say the least. They live in a very large penthouse flat, that sprawls across all flats of that floor. Here is a gist of what she said.

First, there is no sense of how many people actually live in the house. While the core family only consists of the parents in law, the husband who is the only son, and two married sisters, the house is always full of relatives and friends. People just come in, stay over, and every meal is planned for at least 50 people. She recognises most as people out to leech off the earnings of the household, but no one else seems to care. The sisters and their extended marital families virtually live there.

Second, the house is filled with an obscene number of objects, gadgets and stuff. The decor is expensive and hurts the design sensibilities of my artist friend. But when she tries to get things organised and reworked, she is appalled at how casually vendors inflate prices and add-ons and how the job gets more expensive than it should be. No one cares about negotiating, or ensuring quality. She has given up after trying.

Third, there is an army of household staff. There are four cars. The husband and the other relatives decide to buy new cars as if it were household grocery. Each car has two drivers who work 12-hour shifts. Then there is a team to cook, clean, and buy grocery and household things. Food is ordered, cooked and wasted systematically. There are maids and staff for every task. And a moving population of masseurs, beauticians, and others coming in based on calls made by the many occupants of the house.

Fourth, there are online orders piling at the door every day. Some packets remain unopened for months. Someone or the other is ordering stuff. There is no sanctity to the passwords or the credit card. No one seems to be monitoring either. Amidst all the screaming matches that seem routine, people recover their stuff, find their food, order around the maids, and while away their time drinking, eating and merry making. They party without cause and sleep all morning.

This picture disturbs my friend immensely and she is on the verge of breaking up. She wanted to know if rich households run like this. No, they don’t. What is going wrong here? The problem is lack of respect for money since it came easily. The family began as simple salary earners. But the son associated himself with the powerful and politically well connected, and was soon dabbling in real estate, media, films, television, and such multiple enterprises that seem to be bringing more money than any of them know how to use, manage or protect.

We have heard stories of people who won lotteries, or big prizes. Family and people around them feel entitled to what they see as easy wins. Soon enough they ask money for business ventures or for buying a house or land. There are borrowings that are never returned. The horror of returning to poverty has happened to many lottery winners.

There is no other way to manage money than through careful allocation. Someone needs to be in charge and make decisions for the long run. My friend tells me that enough investments in property and land in obscure places in several benami names has already taken place. Multiple new businesses have been started. The accountants keep track of all these investments and paperwork, but no one in the household knows all the details.

There is an illusion of money being unlimited, which comes into play when households handle too much money. Nothing seems too important to care for or pay attention to. There is no point talking about risks, long term orientation, asset allocation or diversification to households that believe they are so invincibly rich that they can get away with any amount of recklessness.

The chicken will come home to roost. That is how things ultimately work out. In the cycle of callousness the seeds of losses have been sown already. What seems like small leaks will turn big, and what looks like a few leeches that bit off some of the meat, will turn bolder with time. It might then be too late. For history holds no evidence of carelessness with money being rewarded.

My friend is petrified that her advice in the household is always brushed off as middle class and pesky. She wonders how no one likes to bring any semblance of order to what goes on. She is unable to assert authority, suffering a complex that she does not belong in that league. Her husband has no time. The elders are not well informed. She is convinced that the staff and the accountants are also cheating the family, but she is unable to stem the rot.

Her story leaves me wondering how many such suddenly rich households are wasting the money they have so undeservedly earned in a country that still houses a large number of poor people. It also sets one thinking about how inequitable the opportunities for wealth, well being and security have been. Many opportunistic rent seekers have suddenly risen to wealth in the years since the economy liberalised. Their ostentatious living has damaged our social fabric in ways we still can’t grasp fully. We condone excess, frauds, lies and illegality in the lure that money brings. The rot extends beyond those stinky kitchens filled with wasted food.

(The writer is Chairperson, Centre for Investment Education and Learning)

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