How to read a mutual fund scheme’s fact sheet

Regular review of mutual fund investments is important. While an expert can be consulted, an investor can gather a lot of insights from the fact sheet published by the all mutual fund houses for each scheme at the end of every month.

Scheme information

Information about the scheme such as date of inception, investment objective, options and plans offered, AUM and net asset value of each plan is provided. It also provides the risk profile of the scheme and product labelling.

Performance measures

This information captures the performance (CAGR) of the fund for different time periods as compared to its benchmark. It also provides year on year returns. Also an example showing how an amount invested in the scheme would have grown in different time periods is mentioned vis a vis the benchmark. Performance of SIP investment for different periods is provided.

Portfolio aspects

Equity and debt asset allocation percentage, sector allocation, company allocation in case of equity funds and credit quality profile, average maturity, modified duration, yield to maturity of the fund in case of debt funds is provided.

Key ratios

The fact sheet provides key ratios such as portfolio turnover (showing how many times the portfolio is churned implying higher transaction costs), expense ratio (which shows percentage charged as scheme running expense), beta (volatility measure of the fund), sharpe ratio (performance of fund as compared to risk taken) and information ratio.

Point to note

  • Fact sheet can be easily downloaded from the website of the mutual fund at the end of each month.
  • The fund fact sheet also contains fund manager information which is a very important factor to consider.

(Content on this page is courtesy Centre for Investment Education and Learning (CIEL). Contributions by Girija Gadre, Arti Bhargava and Labdhi Mehta.)

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