At 9:58 am, HFCL was up 7.61 per cent to Rs 26.15, after having scaled a 52-week high of Rs 26.50 in early trade, while benchmark Sensex was up 0.02 per cent at 46.971.80 points.
HFCL Ltd, formerly Himachal Futuristic Communications Ltd operates as a designer, manufacturer, assembler and seller of telecommunication equipment.
With the recent development, the company, along with its subsidiary company, HTL, has become the largest manufacturer of FTTH cables in India with a capacity of 6 lakh kms per annum.
The company had earlier invested Rs 260 crore in Hyderabad plant for the manufacturing of optical fiber that was commissioned in Januar. This new automated high-speed FTTH cable facility has come up with a fresh outlay of Rs 40 crore to ensure high throughput, economies of scale and highest quality standards.
So far, Rs 300 crore have been invested in Hyderabad facility as part of the company’s expansion road map.