You are sure to fail that job interview if you make any of these 10 mistakes

Philosopher Seneca believed in rehearsing the worst situations in one’s mind before they happened. Closer home, billionaire investor Charlie Munger says avoiding mistakes matters more than chasing success. Similarly, there is a ton of learning from failed job interviews. Let’s look at a few ways to fail and learn the right lessons.

1. Tell me about your company
The worst possible approach to a job is when you do not know anything about the employer, their work and their expectations. The interviewer has taken the trouble to read and shortlist your CV and is prepared to ask questions. She would rather hire the next candidate who has researched the company website, spoken to employees, discussed the role with the recruiter, found out about the industry and perhaps even read the financial statements.

2. Where is it written on my CV?
The interviewer asks you a specific question from your CV and you either realise that there was a typo in the experience dates or you have forgotten what your resume writer had helped you write about your achievements and work ethic. The interviewer realises that you are unaware of your own resume and your approach to the interview and work are likely to be equally casual. Next candidate please.

3. Biggest fault is perfectionism
You give a poorly thought of reply when asked about your weakness. Trying to convey the strength of meticulousness as a weakness is a terrible answer. The interviewer was looking for self-awareness, a willingness to accept shortcomings and efforts to overcome a challenge thus reflecting an attitude of constant improvement and humility. There is another job-seeker who is better prepared with standard interview questions.

4. Previous boss was terrible
When asked about your previous employment and your reason for a change, you share your negative emotions and judgment about your past employer or boss. Your interviewer immediately adopts the same emotions about you. Speaking ill about an employer reflects a lack of maturity and loyalty which never works well with other employers. An objective answer about learning, growth, achievements and challenges is the professional response.

5. The benefits and salary?
Jump into this discussion during the interview process and it means that you are interested only in the compensation and not the role. The interviewer saves time in bypassing you for the next job seeker who is focused on figuring out whether he is suited for the role, will be able to contribute profitably for the firm and begins discussion on the terms, only after both he and the employer want to close the deal.

6. I need this job please
Approach an interview because you desperately need the money and you will certainly fail. It is like being desperate to marry immediately without concern about who the other person is. In both processes, the meetings or interviews are not about sales but about checking for a fit and avoiding terrible mistakes. Show desperation without exploring a mutual match and the other person will walk away.

7. Believe me, because I said so
You have written in your CV about how wonderful you are. But you are at a loss when the interviewer asks you about a time when you displayed leadership or had a conflict with your colleague or when you solved a tough problem. You have walked into an interview without stories relevant to your CV and the job. You will walk out equally empty handed.

8. Treat interview as over
Did you miss two important steps? Firstly, before you leave, ask when you can expect to hear from them and confirm whether it is ok to reach out if you don’t hear by the due date. Then make sure you wait till that date before you call the recruiter. Secondly, share a Thank You note on email after the interview. It is the professional thing to do and gives you an opportunity to highlight a point or two.

9. Forget to listen or speak up
In some interviews you spoke a lot and in others the interviewer spoke much more. In both cases, you were not selected. Either the interviewer did not get enough information from you to make a decision or did not get a chance to explain the position to you and judge your fit. A good candidate will speak up when asked a question and answer fully within two minutes. Thereafter if the interviewer does not discuss the role and output, then ask prepared questions to understand the job well.

10. Treat interview like a science
This is a great way to fail the next interview. Treat interview like an exact science, and you are disappointed and learn the wrong lessons. An interview is simply two human beings with biases and constraints asking questions and sharing information in an imperfect setting. A rejection in one interview may be because of misjudgment or mis-communication about the real requirements and limitations of the interviewer. Don’t change your self image or authentic communication in the next interview.

The anxious interviewer speaks

1. Why am I here?
I have pending work and deadlines. Yet I am here as an interviewer with no training and some experience. What if I select the wrong person in 30 minutes? How will it impact my job here as the hiring manager, HR or colleague? Let me play safe and reject if anything seems wrong in the interview!

2. Can she do the job?
Does she have the skills required for this job? I cannot test those skills right now. What about experience? Has she handled situations similar to this place? The stories she is sharing are either not detailed, not specific, not relevant or not recent. Not sure if she can do the job. Reject.

3. Will he do the job?
He can do the job but will he actually do it? Or will he switch jobs soon, take leaves, shirk work, not take ownership, take too much time to learn or deliver results? He seems to be low on energy, does not show enthusiasm and hasn’t researched about us. Probably neither serious nor willing. Reject.

4. Will she get along?
She is an excellent fit and eager to work. But can she work with the team? Will her presence stress out others, increase their work, reduce their output or will she fi nd it difficult to get their help? She reacted in anger to stressor questions and appears to be arrogant and a loner. Difficult to work with. Reject.

5. Will he burn us down?
Will he lie, cheat, steal, abuse, harass, gossip, be careless, be irresponsible, get drunk or do drugs? Any one of these could destroy the team or lose business or cost us in legal expenses. He’s brilliant but appears to be lying and careless in this interview. So he probably cannot be trusted. Reject.

(The writer is a career coach, mentor and the author of

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