After rising 5 per cent to Rs 5.91 on Tuesday, the stock commanded a total market value of Rs 955.44 crore. This included the market valuation of both of its business segments: Services and Software Products.
The software products business will be acquired by a newly formed company named Azentio Software, wholly-owned by the Apax Funds, a statement said. The transaction, subject to shareholder approval and relevant regulatory approvals, is expected to close in early 2021, it added.
“Following the transaction, 3i Infotech will continue to pursue strategic growth initiatives in the IT services business, supported by a stronger balance sheet.
Since its incorporation in 1993, 3i Infotech has been providing a range of IT services and software products to over 1,200 customers across multiple industry verticals in over 50 countries.
The services segment, under the brand ‘Altiray’ provides consulting services, business optimisation services and an extensive expertise in mobility, data analytics, big data, testing and application development.
The software products business comprises a comprehensive set of core software products for customers in banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) verticals and includes key products such as Kastle (universal banking platform), AMLOCK (financial crime detection and compliance software suite), Premia Astra (core insurance software), MFund Plus (asset management platform) and Orion (enterprise resource planning software).
“Today’s announcement is transformative and value accretive for all stakeholders of 3i Infotech. I foresee a very exciting future for both the IT services and the software products business. Both businesses will have the resources to capitalise on market opportunities and build long term value for employees, customers and shareholders,” 3i Infotech Managing Director and Global CEO Padmanabhan Iyer said.