Meanwhile, Sensex rose 5.11 points or 0.01 per cent to 47,741.33. NSE Nifty was down 0.20 points to 13,981.75. Both indices hit fresh record high during the year, with Nifty hitting 14,000 mark for the first time ever.
Here’s who bought and sold what in some of the key bulk deals of the day:
>> Acacia Partners sold 3.79 lakh shares of Kirloskar Pneumatic Company at Rs 152 per share.
>>Amit Hasmukhbhai Patel sold 14 lakh shares of Pazel International at Rs 0.22 per share.
>> YG Investment and Advisory sold 82,748 shares of Shreyas Shipping & Logistics at Rs 12.59 per share.
>> Steven Llyod Jeske sold 1.5 lakh shares of Cybertech Systems & Software at Rs 162.62.
>> Marfatia Nishil Surendra sold 2.87 lakh shares at Rs 16.40 per share.
Here are all the BSE bulk deals:
Here are all the NSE bulk deals: