raghuram rajan: Govt must be clever while carrying out structural reforms: Raghunath Rajan

Why throw out inflation targeting? Why keep bankruptcy code in abeyance? Do not throw out the whole process and say okay let us try something else. That ensures that you never get anywhere, says renowned economist and former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan, in conversation with Mythili Bhusnurmath of ET NOW.

After the global financial crisis in 2008 RBI was quick to ease liquidity. But now with the wisdom of hindsight, many of the problems in the later years including high NPAs are being attributed to the excessively loose monetary and fiscal policy in the aftermath of the crisis. Is there a sense that just may be the lessons of 2008 have not been fully learnt?
The lessons of 2008 are that it is not just stimulus which is needed to repair the system. We need to look to our fundamental processes and make that better. That drives the economy rather than easing monetary or fiscal spending. So, that is what we need to do at this point. I keep saying that we are missing the need to repair. There is a lot of repair and relief that is needed in the economy and we focus too much on stimulus when in fact there are parts of the economy which are hurting deeply and need support. But beyond the repair of course there is the issue of reforms to make the growth sustainable.

The government has been attempting some reforms one can go into the details of why some of them have become controversial. But the reality is that we need a lot because our growth rate was falling even before the pandemic and we need to ensure that we have a much higher growth rate not just to recover the ground we have lost but also to create jobs for those many millions who are joining the labour force.

One of the reasons why RBI has maintained this excessively easy liquidity stance is that it fears a premature withdrawal of liquidity will hurt growth. How did you deal with a very similar situation when you were governor in 2013?
This is a difficult situation that central banks have gotten into. Let me talk about the Fed because I do not want to talk directly about RBI policy. The Fed has essentially opened the floodgates on not just liquidity but credit. It is lending to entities it has never lent before including private sector entities and, of course, there is a real question of what happens when it takes off the support. To some extent, the treasury has forced the Fed’s hand by saying you cannot continue these programmes beyond January 1st and as a result, the support was withdrawn.

But the market has a momentum of its own and part of it is being driven in my view by the knowledge that if the Fed came in once, it can come in again and therefore the market has the Fed’s backing and this is the problem with any central bank action. Once you take the action, the markets take it as given that you will act again if need be and that becomes an implicit source of support. The problem the Fed then has is that even if it backs off, calculations are always made saying that if things drop, the Fed will come in once again and that is a very distorted way of pricing the entire structure.

The RBI will have to eventually withdraw these measures. It started on that process but it not only has to withdraw the actual measures but over time and also withdraw in the sense that it is always there to support the markets. Now the good news is the RBI has been more circumspect than other central banks and therefore there is less to do about it. But it is a question that the RBI will have to confront over time.

In the Indian context, how would you rate the success of the inflation targeting regime? Should we rework the framework or should we rework only the band?
We in India tend to be very, very two-faced about institutions. On the one hand, we want to improve the institutions and on the other hand, we resent any potential constraints they place on us. My personal view is the inflation targeting regime was a good signalling device for India to say that we are concerned about inflation. We will not let it get out of control and has been very useful during this period of turmoil because even though inflation was surprisingly high for a variety of reasons, our bond yields still stayed relatively low with the sense that the RBI could focus on bringing inflation down to the band that it had set for itself.

In fact, what we see with the latest reading is it is back within the band. The point here is those institutions are somewhat constraining sometimes but also are very important in helping convince the broader investing public as well as markets that we aim to have the right policies. One could also dispute the fact that the growth has been very detrimental in the sense that even though rates would cut the constraint on lending, the level of interest rates have been really low in real terms. When you subtract inflation, globally they have been very low. So you cannot hold the RBI responsible for having high interest rates. But the problem has been the bad loans in the banking system which is reluctant to lend for a variety of reasons.

So the credit growth has been very slow and that is not a problem of monetary policy. It is a problem of fixing the banking system, cleaning it up to ensure that it has the willingness to lend but also in reducing the risks in lending which is a very government centric task. How do you make sure that land for infrastructure projects can be acquired reasonably easily so that projects can get on track? At this point, banks are very reluctant to lend to infrastructure projects because there is no idea when they will acquire the land. Take the government flagship project, the Mumbai-Ahmedabad railroad. It has been stuck for land acquisition reasons. So with all the political power of this very strong government, it still hasn’t managed to acquire the land. That means there are problems that need to be fixed.

It is a constant puzzle why private companies have been able to raise much more than what the government’s own disinvestment target has been for this year. But an idea that keeps doing the rounds is that it is really that about bad banks.What explains the government’s reluctance to go in for recap bonds?
I would think that there are reasonable concerns in a government on filling a leaky bucket. The real problem with our public sector banks is that they need to be filled every few years because they give yet another set of bad loans which require the capital to be replenished and so without governance reforms, the reluctance to fill that bucket is understandable.

But that means that much more work has to be done on governance. How do you rectify the governance of our public sector banks? Some people would say there is no alternative to privatisation but it is not clear to me that privatising and having some big entity taking over and mismanaging the process is necessarily a good thing either. You want to strengthen the governance and then sell the shares more publicly so that it becomes a publicly owned company and can then depart from the strictures that the government ownership imposes on it.

But for that, governance has to be strengthened and that can be done even under the government. There was a plan with the Bank Board Bureau and the selection of professionals as directors, etc. That went off track. You need to revisit it and find out what went wrong, how do we improve the governance of these public sector banks? How do we get professional directors, a responsible board? How do we get it to appoint the CEO and how can we use some of the talent that is available in the private sector to manage these banks and make them entities that are capable of handling the enormous amounts of money that the public entrust them with? If that is the case, then recapitalisation becomes much more sensible.

Of course, we cannot wait till that process eventually happens but it has to be a parallel process and I worry that we are wasting time having these huge debates. Viral Acharya and I had proposed a bad bank. I was very much against the idea in the past because it was just transferring money from one pocket of the government to the other pocket. How would the bad bank do anything differently from the public sector banks that already own the loans? I can see one reason for a bad bank is to aggregate loans which may be more effective in restructuring those loans because it does not need the permission of the 18 banks who held the loans earlier.

But in order for that to work, the bad bank has to have the personnel who have the competence and the capability of negotiating with the private sector entrepreneur, the promoter and ensuring that the banks get a fair deal. Today, that capability does not exist in the system. And the question is how do we create that capability? How do we create a bad bank with that ability? Also, the bad bank has to be quite transparent on the prices it pays to the public sector banks when it buys the loans from them.

It should probably also be willing to buy from the private sector banks. This is a different entity from the ones we have had in the past and it cannot be governed by CBI, CIC, CAG because that will ensure it does exactly the same thing as the public sectors which unfortunately today is too little. So that means an entity which is differently structured looks more like a joint venture or a PPP rather than a public sector entity.

Does governance failure, especially at public sector banks, explain the high level of NPAs? What is your assessment as the numbers from FSR are close to 15% in a severe stress scenario?
No. I think we made progress. We had brought them down after the asset quality review (AQR) conducted by the RBI in 2015. There was recognition that there were significant amounts of bad loans and attempts were made to bring them down and we had brought them down. Of course, in the middle we had the demonetisation programme which set the banks off on an entirely different course for some time. We had the slowing growth which would also raise NPAs but despite that, the banks had managed to bring them down. And then we have the jhatka (jerk) of the pandemic which clearly creates more problems in the small and medium enterprises where we had had a huge sort of push with the Mudra scheme that the government put in place. Many of those loans are in trouble.

So it is not the same old problem, the problem keeps shifting. But the general message is we need to focus on cleaning up and which is why I am a little surprised that we have put the bankruptcy code in abeyance because there is so much more need for it to function now to deal with all sorts of building problems. What we have to do is just follow through on many of the schemes that we had in mind.

Again, on governance, we have been talking for a long time about governance and the Bank Board Bureau was set up purely for this but for a variety of reasons, it was not allowed to function and as a result we have not had the governance changes that we desperately require. So think through this and start implementing and follow through. Following through is our big problem.

We implemented inflation targeting and before we even got full credibility and benefit from it, we are thinking of changing it. Come on, follow through and finish the task and implement successfully. One can keep making changes if need be at the margin but do not throw out the whole process and say okay let us try something else that ensures that you never get anywhere.

How important is it to ensure that the lines between banks and NBFCs and other financial sector players like mutual funds are not blurred to the extent that the rescue of shadow banks is equated with the rescue of banks?
Unfortunately, everything in India ends up on bank balance sheets because they are so central to the system. Look at who is buying NBFC debt? Often it is the banks that are lending to the NBFCs even though NBFCs are meant to be different risk pools. NBFCs lend a lot more to real estate than banks are allowed to but of course banks have lent to the NBFCs and the whole thing becomes sort of enmeshed. So certainly the RBI has been thinking about the interconnections and the possibility of contagion from areas that the banks are not supposed to be in, but are in indirectly because they have assets and debt of those entities.

Going forward, we should reduce some of these interactions by imposing the kind of limitations on bank holdings of different kinds of assets, for example, bank holdings exposure to specific corporate groups. There is already a regulation in place which requires them not to have more than a certain amount of capital but we have put that in abeyance for a little while given the problems of the pandemic. We should bring that back strongly and ensure no single entity in the system is big in the bank balance sheets.

Similarly, we need to make sure that banks do not have a big exposure to the NBFCs. This is a process, it cannot be done overnight but has to be done in a regular fashion. That will ensure NBFCs are a different risk pool from the banks and they can be allowed to fail and therefore they can perhaps merit less monitoring and less supervision than the banks themselves.

But you cannot actually have them so tightly connected and at the same time say they can take greater risk but we are not going to monitor them so closely because then you run the risk of them becoming too big to fail and you intervene every time.

You spoke about the need for structural reforms but is the government caught between a rock and a hard place? For example, it enacted the much needed farm laws and there is a backlash. What is the way forward?
That means the government has to be much more clever about how it does these things. It has enormous political power but it cannot use it without consultations, without talking to the people who will be affected and oftentimes, being clever means not doing it itself but working through the states. There is a sense that the reforms that are being done are essentially not taking the entire set of possibilities into account because they are so centralised, because they were thought through by a small group of people.

Yes we have been debating this for a long time but when it comes to implementing them you have to think about the reality of India. For example, not every state uses the mandi as much as Punjab and Haryana. Does that not mean we have different sets of reforms for those? What may have been better, in hindsight of course, is a more enabling structure which allows states to move forward.

Now of course the centre can say the states are not moving well. So, bring them together on this process, bring the other political parties in so that they cannot make hay on this reform process. It requires consultation, it requires a much more democratic approach than the government has followed and that is why it is quite important for the government to change its ways.

What would your advice be to the government of India, if you were the chief economic advisor or if you were RBI governor?
Well I am neither of those and I do not want to pre-empt what my successors have in mind. They are all very capable people. As an economist, talking from the outside, I think that it is important to not get confused by the stock market or by the performance or our large companies which undoubtedly is refreshing but to recognise the fact that if the US after spending 25% of GDP still thinks there has been substantial damage to the economy, clearly damage has been done to the Indian economy. In order to recognise that, this damage needs to be addressed over the medium term if we are to get anywhere back to the levels of growth that we are capable of. It requires both relief and repair as well as a focus on reforms.

I can understand some in the government being dejected by this process but I think this pushback against its farm laws shows that is a time for reflection, to understand why this is not working as advertised, why people are not embracing reforms with open arms and then change the process by which it is done to something which is more inclusive and has a greater chance of succeeding.

Can I also add, do not obsess excessively about the fiscal deficit?
It is important to keep an eye on it which means that we cannot spend as if there is no tomorrow; that is unfortunately a luxury we do not have, maybe even the US does not have it. But I do think that there is room for spending if it means strengthening the economy over the medium term and that includes a lot of morally justified spending on our poor households to make sure that they can survive well into the future.

So I would say that if you can explain why you are spending and you can be more transparent about the whole process, not high spending here and high debt there, but be transparent and say we will get back on track and here are commitments to get us back on track, you can actually expand the envelope and then focus on the spending that is absolutely necessary to get us back.

This requires a change once again in the government’s approach. Do not treat it as something that is only necessary. You have smoke and mirrors to convince the markets. Be clean and say this is necessary to get us back on track and we will do it, we do not care what you think but we do want your respect and therefore over the medium term, we will come back to fiscal responsibility. In the short run, the economy needs this kind of spending. I think that kind of message can fly but we also have a lot of assets. Sell those assets while we are spending more.

When you look back at your journey, the transition from academia to policymaking and then back to academia, what would you choose if you were given a choice?
Well each one has its charms at the right time. I am perfectly happy in academia right now.

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