Sebi had fined State Bank of India(SBI), Life Insurance Corporation of India(LIC) and Bank of Baroda(BoB) Rs 10 lakh each for not complying with the cross-ownership norms for mutual funds. All the three entities held over 10% stake in UTI MF, which was in violation of Sebi rules.
In an order dated January 7, SAT opined that public sector entities operated in ‘constraints’ which need to be factored in while imposing a penalty on them. It also noted that the violation is not ongoing since all the three entities have divested their stake in UTI MF subsequently and are currently in compliance with Sebi rules.
“Given the above facts and reasons, we do not find any justifiable reason to impose any monetary penalty in the present matters, as every technical violation need not be visited with monetary penalty,” said SAT in the order. “In these matters a warning is sufficient. Further, SEBI is at liberty to impose penalty for similar violations in future,”
As per the current rules, any entity which is a sponsor of a mutual fund cannot hold more than 10% stake in any other mutual fund. SBI, LIC and BOB already are promoters of their own mutual funds and hence their ownership amounted to conflict of interest. UTI MF had launched an initial public offering(IPO) in late September through which all the three entities brought their ownership in UTI in line with Sebi rules
SAT however observed that Sebi regulations should be equally applicable on all market entities, irrespective of whether they are state owned or not.
“It is necessary that governmental entities, including public sector undertakings, need to develop protocols for coming out from being prisoners of protracted procedures for complying with applicable laws and regulations timely, because as legal entities accountability falls on them,” the three member SAT bench observed adding “This is of paramount importance to entities operating in financial/corporate sectors where changes in the applicable laws and regulations are frequent in order to respond to fast changing, dynamic environment of the domestic and global markets,”
These observations assume significance since several state-owned entities are still not in compliance with various securities laws. For instance, several PSUs still don’t meet the minimum public shareholding norms and some of them don’t have a board composition that is inline with Sebi’s corporate governance rules.
This is the second order of SAT in the matter of government sector entities in the recent past. In August, SAT provided relief to National Highway Authority of India(NHAI) from a penalty imposed by Sebi for disclosure lapses.