The company’s revenue from operations rose to Rs 1,851 crore for the quarter under consideration, up 7.81 per cent, as against Rs 1,716.8 crore during the same period a year ago, Biocon said in a late night regulatory filing on Thursday.
Expenses rose to Rs 1,642.6 crore for the December quarter, an increase of 14.52 per cent, as against Rs 1,434.3 crore in the year-ago period.
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Executive Chairperson, Biocon, said: “2020 has been one of the most challenging years for the world with an unprecedented pandemic impact on the global economy. We continue to face headwinds across operational, regulatory and commercial functions which have been deterrents to our planned market expansion. However, we expect normalisation by next fiscal”.
Shares of Biocon Ltd were trading 8.44 per cent lower at Rs 404.64 apiece on the BSE.