Has the pandemic changed your retirement planning, exclusive session to clear your doubts

To address imminent investor needs and concerns in a post-Covid world, a panel of experts will deliberate on ways to challenge the financial disruptions on retirement, child education and overall investments.

The first webinar in the series will be focussed on retirement planning and what has changed in your post Covid financial planning. Will the crisis force individuals to work longer than planned and what are the various ways to address disruption and achieve financial goals.

Discussion points:

  • How salary cuts, job loss, reduced earnings impacted retirement planning
  • How to assure reduced cash flow don’t eat your retirement funds
  • Emotional decision-making about retirement investments
  • Will the crisis force individuals to work longer than planned
  • Ways to address the disruption and achieve financial goals
  • Best instruments to help you achieve your retirement corpus
  • How to increase savings in the post Covid era


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