Airtel’s December quarter revenue at Rs 26,518 crore was up 24.2 per cent on-year. It added 14.2 million users – the most in four quarters – and subscribers moved to higher-paying plans, helping drive up average revenue per user (ARPU) to a three-year high of Rs 166, from Rs 162 in July-September. India’s second largest telco posted a profit helped by a one-time gain of Rs1151.7 crore, as compared with losses of Rs 763 crore in the July-September period, and Rs 1,035 crore a year ago.
Brokerage UBS said Bharti’s recent “strong operational performance continued” as it added 12.9 million 4G subscribers in the December quarter compared to Jio’s 5.2 million additions. “Strong 4G subscriber addition (including a steady increase in the postpaid sub-base) aided Airtel’s 2 per cent plus sequential ARPU growth in the fiscal third quarter,” the brokerage said.
BofA Securities said “the momentum across Bharti’s other divisions was also good with Africa/Digital TV revenues increasing 6.7 per cent/4.6 per cent on-quarter respectively, leading to overall revenues increasing by 5.8 per cent sequentially”.
Gopal Vittal, Bharti Airtel’s chief executive (India, South Asia) had on Wednesday said that despite the unprecedented volatility that the telco has confronted through the year, it delivered another strong performance this quarter and the consistency in performance was across every part of its portfolio, as reflected in market share growth across all business segments.
“The main highlight of the quarter was the around 13 million 4G customers we added in our wireless business. As a result, we grew our revenues by around 25 per cent over the same period last year and margins expanded,” Vittal had said.
Airtel’s profit though was dragged by a 32 per cent on year rise in net finance costs, largely on account of higher forex losses partially offset by lower interest on borrowings, the telco said.