The company’s PAT stood at Rs 11.37 crore in the corresponding period of previous fiscal, Garware Polyester (GPL) said in a statement.
Its consolidated revenues for the third quarter rose 40 per cent to Rs 287.31 crore from Rs 205.23 crore in the year-ago period.
“Our standalone PAT has increased by 217 per cent quarter-on-quarter underscoring our focus on world-class execution and operational excellence and satisfied with our robust third-quarter performance.
“As a responsible Hi-Tech performance film manufacturing company, we seek to deliver long-term economic value to our stakeholders,” GPL Chairman and Managing Director S B Garware said.
The emphasis towards speciality products has fuelled additional growth in the margins, which has resulted in PBDT (Profit Before Depreciation and Tax) Margin reaching 22.75 per cent in Q3 FY21, he said.
“We continue our focus on growth and see a strong and secure future for the organisation given this growth approach,” Garware added.