Muthoot Finance Ltd., incorporated in the year 1997, is a Large Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 49324.20 Crore) operating in NBFC sector.
For the quarter ended 30-09-2020, the company reported a Consolidated sales of Rs 2821.03 Crore, up 8.31 % from last quarter Sales of Rs 2604.48 Crore and up 17.67 % from last year same quarter Sales of Rs 2397.38 Crore Company reported net profit after tax of Rs 930.80 Crore in latest quarter.
Investment Rationale
After several quarters of stagnant customer and loan count, 4–5% sequential growth this quarter is encouraging. As the economy recovers from the shock of the pandemic, loan demand is likely to remain high. It expects the company to deliver 12–15% loan growth post FY21. Incremental cost of funds is ~100bp lower than on-book cost of funds – this should mitigate yield pressure, if any. RoA/RoE is likely to remain robust at 7%/27% over the medium term. The brokerage increases EPS estimates by 6–7%, factoring in stronger growth and lower opex.
Promoter/FII Holdings
Promoters held 73.4 per cent stake in the company as of Dec 30, 2020, while FIIs held 15.1 per cent, DIIs 7 per cent and public and others 4.5 per cent.