In a circular, Sebi has tweaked provisions related to Unique Client Code (UCC) and mandatory requirement of Permanent Account Number (PAN).
The regulator said it would be mandatory for the members of the exchanges, having commodity derivatives segment, to use UCC for all clients transacting on the commodity derivative segment.
The exchanges with commodity derivatives segment would not allow execution of trades without uploading of the UCC details by the members of the exchange.
For this purpose, members need to collect after verifying the authenticity and maintain in their back office the copies of Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by the Income Tax (IT) Department, for all their clients.
However, in case of e-PAN, members need to verify the authenticity of e-PAN with the details on the website of IT Department and maintain the soft copy of PAN in their records.
The exchanges, having commodity derivatives segment, need to ensure that their members collect copies of PAN cards issued to their existing as well as new clients after verifying with the original, cross-check such details collected from their clients with the details on the website of the Income Tax (IT) Department.
However, in case of e-PAN, they need to verify the authenticity of e-PAN with the details on the website of IT department and maintain the soft copy of PAN in their records, it added.
Also, such members need to upload details of PAN or e-PAN so collected to the exchanges as part of Unique Client code, verify the documents with respect to the unique code and retain a copy of the document.
The provisions of this circular would come into effect from April 1, 2021.