NEW DELHI: Shares of traded 0.31 per cent down in Wednesday’s trade at 01:44PM (IST). Around 5790499 shares changed hands on the counter. The stock opened at Rs 16.1 and touched an intraday high and low of Rs 16.25 and Rs 16.0, respectively, in the session so far.
The stock quoted a 52-week high of Rs 87.95 and a 52-week low of Rs 11.10.
YES Bank Ltd., incorporated in the year 2003, is a banking company with a market cap of Rs 40338.40 Crore.
YES Bank Ltd. key Products/Revenue Segments include Interest & Discount on Advances & Bills, Income From Investment and Interest for the year ending 31-Mar-2019.
Valuation ratio
It quoted a price-to-earnings ratio of 13.59 and price to book value of 1.3.