Black says in order to become a successful growth investor, one should be optimistic about the future because optimists can conquer great heights.
“If you look back through history, optimists are the ones who ultimately get it right. Buffett says it all the time: never bet against America. I’d say never bet against great growth companies with superior cultures and the ones that are highly competitively advantaged,” Black said in an interview with
Paul Black is the co-CEO and fund manager at the California-based WCM Investment Management, which manages over $42 billion in investor money. He joined the firm in 1989 and attributes its investing success to a lot of hard work and also good fortune.
How Black got interested in stocks
Black says he got interested in stocks at a very young age, and when he inherited some money from his grandfather he decided to invest them in the stock market.
“I bought 500 shares of a company called Eastery Fontaine South African gold miner, when I was in college. I would open up the Wall Street Journal every morning and when gold was going from $300 to $800 an ounce in that period from 1978 to 1982, I would literally look at the newspaper and say: ‘I’d make $500 a day owning 500 shares of this South African gold miner that was highly levered.’ And so that kinda got me hooked,” says he.
Black feels one can learn a lot about the basics of investment by reading all time investment classics from legendary investors. Black names Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Phil Fisher as one of his all-time favourites.
He prefers growth investing to value investing as he feels value investors are a little bit more pessimistic while growth investors tend to see the world more positively.
Keep learning from past mistakes
Black says investors should keep learning from past mistakes and use them as a source of strength to get better and better. “Anyone who doesn’t believe that most of life is learning from your failures just doesn’t quite get it or they’re too young to get it,” says he.
Black says most rapidly growing companies look very attractive to buy, but investors should be wary as ultimately they can be massive destroyers of wealth.
Qualities of a great growth company
Black says if one just looks for high quality, wide-moat businesses selling cheaply, they run the risk of falling into value traps.
According to him, to find a great growth company, one needs to look at two things :-
They need to stay focused on the direction of the competitive advantage and pay attention to a moat that is growing
“Everybody’s business is either getting stronger versus competitors or getting weaker. You want to be able to make the case, through pattern recognition and other tools around ‘moat-typologies’ as we classify it, that the company you’re looking to invest in has a strong likelihood of growing its competitive advantage over the next five, 10 and 15 years. If you get that right, any valuation work you do is going to look ludicrously cheap five and 10 years out,” he says.
Black says it is essential to pay attention to the moat that is growing, as a shrinking moat can be dangerous.
“If we find a growing moat, how do we have any confidence it will keep growing? We found the number one way that convinces us of that is if the culture is aligned to the moat. We want to see behaviours that enhance the competitive position,” he says.
They need to put a huge premium on the corporation’s culture
Black says investors should try to understand the DNA of a business and know what the core values are, and how they relate to the competitive advantage.
“The distinguishing characteristic in any investment has got to be determining what the core values are, what animates that culture and making sure that there is an alignment. When you’re assessing a culture, the strongest companies are going to be where the cultures and values are aligned with the competitive advantage,” says he.
How to assess a company’s culture
Black says while assessing the culture of a company, one of the best things to do is not just talk to the CEO or CFO, but to talk to people who have left on good terms.
“If you talk to people who used to work there and left on good terms, you usually get a pretty good picture. What you are doing is building a mosaic when you’re going after culture. A lot of people don’t do it because you can’t quantify it, you can’t put it in a box and score it, or scale and number ranking. You really have to build a mosaic,” says he.
Black says investors should talk to suppliers, vendors and competitors to find out which company they like and which one they do not.
Rising ROIC indicates growing competitive advantage
Black says a rising RoIC (Return on Invested Capital) is a great indication of growing competitive advantage, but the only problem with that is it is practically useless because the good news is already in the stock price long before it shows up in the financials.
“Most managers screen for a hurdle on the ROIC over the past five years. What we’ve found more valuable than just the ROIC level is the direction. There is a 1:1 correlation between the direction of the ROIC over a five-year time period and stock performance. If you break the market down into five quintiles, from the top quintile where they have the most rapidly rising ROIC to the bottom where they have declining ROICs, there is a 1:1 relationship between the best performing stocks on the top quintile and the poorest performing stocks on the bottom,” he says.
Investors should prefer to invest in a company whose ROIC is growing steadily over the years than a company having a high ROIC for a year and then getting stagnant over the next few years.
Do things differently to gain competitive advantage
Black says most analysts spend 95 per cent of their time crunching numbers, running DCF models, which has zero competitive advantage because there are thousands of analysts doing the same work.
So he feels one should do things that other people are not doing in order to get a massive competitive advantage.
Hold on to companies with great culture for long term
Black says it is not very easy to find companies with great cultures, which are aligned to their competitive advantage. If one is able to spot these kind of companies, then one should hold on to them for a long time.
“In investing, time is your friend. People who make a lot of money in investing are those who buy great businesses with expanding moats. They give them time to work for them over five, 10 and 15 years. All the people that have created a lot of wealth for themselves didn’t do it in a week, or three months or six months. They did it over a generation,” he says.
Manage the downside of your portfolio
Black said it is essential for investors to manage the downside of their portfolios. This, he feels, can be done by being right on the direction of competitive advantage more often than not, because in difficult times, if investors own companies that aren’t constrained by the financial markets, they can allocate capital into the space their weaker competitors cannot.
Keep a positive attitude
Black says investors should ignore the pessimists and always keep a positive attitude while investing.
“Humans are naturally wired to look at everything that can go wrong, and we tend to miss what is good that dominates most of the time,” he says.
Stay focused and ignore market chatter
Black says investors should keep their focus on what they are doing and avoid paying heed to the constant market chatter and noise around them.
“Constant chatter that goes on forces you to be short-term in your orientation, to make decisions in 3 and 6 months versus five and seven-year periods required,” he says.
Companies that build effective corporate cultures tend to be better performers, as they have a competitive advantage that sets them apart from the rest of the pack, giving them a wide moat.
Hence, it is no big surprise that businesses that continually widen their moat each year continue to perform for longer periods of time because they become harder and harder to compete against.
(Disclaimer: This article is based on Paul Black’s various interviews and speeches.)