Commodity prices traded mixed on Thursday, continuing the trend from the previous session. On Wednesday, crude oil prices rebounded from previous fall covering all loses but base metals traded mixed over demand worries and transport blockage in Suez Canal. Bullion prices traded firm despite of stronger dollar in weak equity indices and lockdown concerns in Europe. Here is a look at how different commodities are behaving in today’s market.
Outlook: Bullion
Bullion prices traded steady with spot gold price at COMEX was trading near $1735 per ounce while spot silver price at COMEX was trading flat near $25.06 per ounce in the morning trade. The precious metals have kept to firm trading range supported by pandemic worries with lockdown in Germany and other parts of the Europe. The delayed trade activities due to transport blockage in Suez Canal also boosted buying in safe haven assets taking toll on economic recovery. We expect bullion prices to trade sideways to down for the day on mixed global cues.
Trading Strategy:
MCX Gold April resistance for the day lies at Rs. 45100 per 10 grams with support at Rs. 44600 per 10 grams.
MCX Silver May support lies at Rs. 64000 per KG, resistance at Rs. 65800 per KG.
Outlook: Crude Oil
Crude oil prices traded lower with benchmark NYMEX WTI crude oil prices were trading 1.60% down at $60.20 per barrel in the morning trade. Crude oil prices witnessed rollercoaster move due to mixed fundamentals. Crude oil prices rallied in previous session on supply disruption fears due to shipment blockage in Suez Canal. Crude oil prices traded lower on Thursday as lockdown in some parts of Europe outweighed shipment blockage worries. We expect crude oil prices to trade weak for the day.
Trading Strategy:
MCX Crude Oil April support lies at Rs. 4320 per barrel with resistance at Rs. 4460 per barrel.
Outlook: Base Metals
Base metals complex traded mixed as most of the metals kept to lower trading range on demand growth concerns. A stronger dollar put pressure on base metals along with demand growth concerns over lockdown in Germany and other parts of the Europe. Base metals capped the downside with delay in shipment due to blockage in Suez Canal. Base metals are expected to trade sideways to down for the day.
Trading Strategy:
MCX Copper March support lies at Rs. 660 and resistance at Rs. 669.
MCX Zinc March support lies at Rs. 215, resistance at Rs. 221.
MCX Nickel March support lies at Rs. 1140 with resistance at Rs. 1190.
(Tapan Patel is Senior Analyst (Commodities) at HDFC Securities)