The Rs 1,175 crore issue, which was sold between March 16 and 18, was subscribed 2.61 times. At the issue price, the stock was available at 0.9 times FY20 market cap to sales and 63 times FY20 EPS. Despite being relatively cheaper than Titan, many analysts were not gung ho on the issue, citing weak balance sheet, poor capital allocation and poor track record of jewellery listings in the past.
Kalyan Jewellers is among the largest jewellery companies in India. The jeweller is engaged into designing, manufacturing and selling a variety of gold, studded as well as other products. It has 107 showrooms in all across 21 states. Besides, the company operates 30 showrooms in West Asia.
The company commands 1.8 per cent market share in the jewellery market. Its share in the organised jewellery segment stands at 5.9 per cent.
Analysts noted that the jeweller saw an improvement in gross margins from 16 per cent in FY18 to 18 per cent in the first nine months of FY121, owing to enhanced share of studded jewellery. But the company faced several headwinds in the past couple of years. For instance, in FY19 revenues were impacted owing to severe floods in South India. The region accounts for 60 per cent of Kalyan’s revenues.
The FY20 revenues were adversely impacted in the fourth quarter owing to Covid-led lockdown. The company reported revenue and net profit of Rs 10,101 crore and Rs 142 crore for FY20. The company has proposed to utilise the proceeds to fund working capital requirements and for general corporate purposes.