Have I created a proper mutual fund portfolio?

I want to invest Rs 6,000 per month in mutual funds. I would like to know what would be a proper portfolio. I have some schemes. Take a look. Please tell me if I have to make any changes.

Large cap schemes: Axis Bluechip Fund (Rs 2,000)
Index fund: HDFC Index Fund – Sensex Plan (Rs 500)
Flexi cap scheme: Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund (Rs 500)
ElSS scheme: DSP OR Mirae Asset Tax Saver Fund (Rs 1,000)
Hybrid fund: ICICI OR DSP Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund (Rs 500)
–Sanjoy Patra

You have not mentioned your financial details or your risk profile. Without these details it is not possible to comment on your fund selection. Some observations on your investment plan and fund selection. If you do not understand thoroughly about investing in mutual funds, consult a mutual fund advisor.

Also, you don’t need so many mutual fund schemes in your portfolio if you are investing a modest sum. You need only one scheme when you are investing Rs 6,000. The scheme should be in line with your risk profile. Please remember that investing in too many schemes without a proper plan will not offer you diversification and enhance your returns. Often it drags your overall returns. It is not possible to have a meaningful diversification when you are investing a small amount.

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