Infosys share price: Buy Infosys, target price Rs 1600: Motilal Oswal

Motilal Oswal has buy call on Ltd. with a target price of Rs 1600. The current market price of Infosys Ltd. is Rs 1344.

Infosys Ltd., incorporated in the year 1981, is a Large Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 595128.31 Crore) operating in IT Software sector.

For the quarter ended 31-12-2020, the company reported a Consolidated Total Income of Rs 26538.00 Crore, up 5.56 % from last quarter Total Income of Rs 25140.00 Crore and up 10.95 % from last year same quarter Total Income of Rs 23919.00 Crore. Company reported net profit after tax of Rs 5215.00 Crore in latest quarter.

Investment Rationale
The brokerage has cut FY22E/FY23E EPS estimate by 4%/4% given the 4.5% miss on PAT in 4Q and moderate guidance (below our expectation). It continues to see INFO as a key beneficiary of a recovery in IT spends in FY22E, given its capabilities around Cloud and Digital transformation. Leading operational performance in FY21 and strong deal wins should translate into strong outperformance in EPS growth (v/s the sector).

Promoter/FII Holdings
Promoters held 13 per cent stake in the company as of Dec 30, 2020, while FIIs held 32.6 per cent, DIIs 23.8 per cent and public and others 30.7 per cent.

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