The (SBI), has announced that it has launched a video KYC-based account opening feature on its mobile banking app, YONO. This digital initiative powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Facial Recognition Technology is a contactless and paperless process, stated a press released issued by the bank.
This functionality will help customers open an account with SBI without having to visit a bank branch, the bank stated.
How to use this facility
This video KYC feature will be available to customers planning to open a new savings account with SBI. Here is how you can use this facility, as per the bank’s press release.
- To avail this new facility, all that a person needs to do is download the YONO app, click on ‘New to SBI’, and select ‘Insta Plus Savings Account’.
- They will have to enter their Aadhaar details in the app and once the Aadhar authentication is complete they will have to input personal details and schedule a video call to complete the KYC process.
- On successful completion of Video KYC, the account will be automatically opened.