Cyient Ltd, incorporated in the year 1991, is a Mid Cap company with a market cap of Rs 7647.62 Crore, operating in IT Software sector.
Cyient’s key Products/Revenue Segments include Software Development Charges for the year ending 31-Mar-2020.
Investment Rationale
The company’s focus is on large deals, client mining, healthy order book (up 22 per cent QoQ in Q4FY21E) and organisation restructuring to accelerate growth point to healthy revenue trajectory in coming years said an ICICI Direct report. This, coupled with recovery in aerospace division and healthy deal pipeline in DLM bodes well for revenue growth. Further, improving margin trajectory prompted ICICI Direct to be positive on the stock.
For the quarter ended 31-03-2021, the company has reported a consolidated total Income of Rs 1133.40 Crore, up 6.30 per cent from last quarter’s total income of Rs 1066.20 Crore and up 0.52 per cent from last year same quarter’s total income of Rs 1127.50 Crore. Company has reported a net profit after tax of Rs 103.10 Crore in latest quarter.