The transaction triggered an open offer for acquisition of up to 26 per cent stake at a price of Rs 1,677.16 per share, aggregating Rs 8,262 crore, payable in cash. Based on the open offer subscription, the blended purchase price is expected to be Rs 1,452-Rs 1,497 per share.
This would be 12-16 per cent premium to Mphasis’ 12-month average price and 3-6 per cent discount to 6-month average price. Overall, the purchase consideration will vary between Rs 15,200 and Rs 21,000 crore.
Following the development, the stock rose 6.32 per cent to hit a high of Rs 1,805 on BSE.
Amit Dixit, Co-Head of Asia Acquisitions and Head of India for Blackstone Private Equity, said: “Information technology and software services have been strong sectors for value creation for the last two decades. Mphasis is backed by strong secular tailwinds as global enterprises increasingly migrate to the cloud. The company is exceptionally well-positioned given a terrific management team, strong order backlog, long-term strategic customer base, deep domain expertise in financial services, and a world-class suite of cloud and digital offerings.”
A different fund managed by Blackstone had acquired a controlling stake in Mphasis from Hewlett Packard Enterprise in September 2016. The sale is expected to complete in the coming months, subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals.