The regulator has extended the deadline by 45 days for companies to file their fourth quarter and annual audited financial results. They can now file by June 30.
“Sebi is in receipt of representations from listed entities, professional bodies, industry associations, market participants etc. requesting extension of timelines for various filings and relaxation from certain compliance obligations under the LODR(Listing Obligations Disclosure Requirements) Regulations inter-alia due to ongoing second wave of the CoVID-19 pandemic and restrictions imposed by various state governments,” Sebi said in a circular posted on its website.
At present, companies are required to file their quarterly results within 45 days from end of the quarter and in case of annual financial results within 60 days from end of the financial year. As per that time frame, companies would have had to file their quarterly and annual results by May 15 and May 30 respectively.
The regulator said listed entities can use digital signature certifications for all filings made to the stock exchanges until December 31, 2021.