The counter surged 7 per cent on Friday to hit 52-week high of Rs 1,040, only to cool down to Rs 1,012 at 9.25 am. It was closed at Rs 969.30 in during the previous session. BSE Sensex was trading 415.65 points or 0.85 per cent higher at 49,365.40 at the same time.
The floor price for the block deal was set at Rs 945 per share, compared to 2.5 per cent discount from the previous close. According to reports, the deal has been settled at a higher price. A couple of years ago, Carlyle offloaded 3.2 per cent in
CA Emerald Investment had 6 per cent stake in the private life insurer as on the quarter March 31, 2021. According to the term sheet of the deal, Carlyle sold 3.5 crore shares of the company.
In March 2019, Carlyle had bought 9.2 per cent stake in SBI Life from its French co-promoter
for Rs 5,445 crore. This translates as Rs 605 crore for every one per cent of stake. The company sold 3 per cent stake for Rs 2,800 crore in the November same year.