It posted revenue of Rs 1,075.7 crore, up 16%. Of this, Rs 319 crore was from international IT services and the remaining was from its domestic products business.
For FY21, the company reported a net profit of Rs 244 crore, down 12%.
Revenue came in at Rs 4,228.1 crore, up 13%, in the previous fiscal year.
Its board has recommended a final dividend of 1,000%, taking the total dividend to 1,400% for the year.
“The results for the year have shown significant growth quarter on quarter over the year both in revenues and profits across all business operations, geographies, digital services and industry verticals, and indicate that we are now on a path of sustained growth,” said Srikar Reddy, managing director and CEO, Sonata Software.
The company added 10 new clients during the quarter.
While revenue from the United States grew at 5.3%, Europe increased at 4.5% and the rest of the world at 13.1% during the quarter.
The company reported strong growth from digital based competencies like managed cloud services and Digital Platformation Services (Microsoft & Open source) and focused verticals like ISV, Retail (Essential), Distribution and Manufacturing and Commodity Business & Service Industry.
“With clear visibility and growing long term business opportunity, we are focused now on investing for growth, in talent acquisition across the world, building IP and competency development, investing in sustained brand building. We are also focused currently especially in India to ensure the safety and health of all Sonatians. The company has taken a slew of measures aimed at supporting people like free vaccinations, tie-up with Covid centres, access to medical attention and procurement of oxygen concentrators,” said Reddy.