Its total income rose to Rs 100.33 crore in the quarter, from Rs 79.59 crore in a year ago.
In the full fiscal 2020-21, the firm’s consolidated net profit rose to Rs 205.43 crore as compared with Rs 175.71 crore in the 2019-20.
Total income in 2020-21 rose to Rs 356.23 crore, from Rs 297.40 crore in 2019-20.
About the impact of pandemic, the company stated, “The group has also assessed the impact of this whole situation on its capital and financial resources, profitability, liquidity position, internal financial reporting controls.”
It added that the group is of the view that based on its present assessment, this situation does not materially impact these audited consolidated financial results.
However, it stated that the actual impact of Covid-19 on these financial results may differ from that estimated due to unforeseen circumstances, and the Group will continue to closely monitor any material changes to future economic conditions.