Most brokerages have maintained buy ratings on Bharti after the telecom major reported a net profit of Rs 759 crore for the March quarter against a loss of Rs 5,237 crore in the same period a year ago. Shares of Bharti Airtel ended down 2.4% at Rs 536.30 on Tuesday.
Analysts cheered the strong 4G and postpaid subscriber additions by the telecom operator in the March quarter.
CLSA has maintained buy with Rs 730 target price. JP Morgan has maintained overweight rating and revised target price to Rs 760 from Rs 735. UBS, Motilal Oswal and Goldman Sachs maintained buy, but Jefferies retained hold rating.
“It continues to execute better than expectations on share gains and cost management supported by superior network quality and impressive digital engagement. Bharti remains top India telco overweight,” said JP Morgan.