The scrip jumped 5 per cent to Rs 406.10 during the early trade on Tuesday. The count was settled at Rs 386.80 on Monday. BSE Sensex was trading 199.1 points of 0.39 per cent higher at 50.851 in the morning.
The first batch of the Covid-19 vaccine produced at Panacea Biotec’s facilities at Baddi in Himachal Pradesh will be shipped to Russia’s Gamaleya Center for quality control.
Full-scale production of the vaccine is expected to start this summer, RDIF and Panacea Biotec said in a joint statement. As announced in April, RDIF and Panacea have agreed to produce 100 million doses per year of Sputnik V, it added.
“Launch of production in India in partnership with Panacea Biotec marks an important step in helping the country fight the pandemic,” RDIF chief executive Kirill Dmitriev said.
Shares of Panacea Biotec have delivered 190 per cent return in the last one year, soaring from Rs 141.5 to Rs 407.2. The counter has more than doubled in the last six months.
On the development, Panacea Biotec MD Rajesh Jain said, “This marks a significant step as we initiate production of Sputnik V. Together with RDIF, we hope to help bring a sense of normalcy back to people across the country and around the world.”