The net profit for the fourth quarter ended March 2021 is Rs. 31.36 crore, a 15% jump over the previous year. The bank’s board also recommended a dividend of 18%.
“This turned out to be the best result under the unprecedented tough conditions triggered by Covid-19 pandemic,” Bank’s managing director Mahabaleshwara MS said in a press release.
The business turnover of the bank was at Rs. 1,27,348 crore as on March 31, 2021. The deposits stood at Rs. 75,655 crore and advances at Rs. 51,694 crore. The CASA deposits grew 15% and reached an all time high of 31% of total deposits as on March 31, 2021.
Mahabaleshwara said vaccinations coupled with other measures including restructuring by the RBI will help needy borrowers and the banking sector overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic.
The bank also announced the appointment of Balakrishna Alse S, a former executive director of Oriental Bank of Commerce, as an additional director on its board.