Gujarat Gas Ltd., incorporated in the year 2012, is a Mid Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 38873.39 Crore) operating in Gas & Petroleum sector.
For the quarter ended 31-03-2021, the company reported a Consolidated Total Income of Rs 3447.75 Crore, up 18.67 % from last quarter Total Income of Rs 2905.32 Crore and up 28.38 % from last year same quarter Total Income of Rs 2685.54 Crore. Company reported net profit after tax of Rs 349.95 Crore in latest quarter.
Investment Rationale
Gujarat Gas has the best RoE profile of 26–30% and is expected to generate FCF of ~INR27.7b over the next two years. The company would supposedly turn net cash in FY22 despite capex plans of INR10b for FY22 and FY23 each (capex would be funded through internal accruals only)
Promoter/FII Holdings
Promoters held 60.9 per cent stake in the company as of March 31, 2021, while FIIs held 8.6 per cent, DIIs 7.4 per cent and public and others 23.1 per cent.
(Views and recommendations given in this section are the analysts’ own and do not represent those of Please consult your financial adviser before taking any position in the stock/s mentioned.)