Shares of the private lender plunged 7 per cent to Rs 964.75 by midday on Thursday. However, it later recovered from day’s low to trade at Rs 1,007, dow 2 per cent, at 1.50 pm (IST). BSE sensex was trading at 203.07 points, or 0.39 per cent, up at 52,052 at that time.
Multi-industry conglomerate Hinduja group are the promoters of IndusInd Bank, and it also controls the Geneva-headquartered Hinduja Bank.
In the May 2020 order, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) had cancelled the Hinduja Bank’s permit, citing rule violations and governance issues. The CIMA said the bank had failed to prepare adequate anti-money laundering policies.
The violations included non-compliance to money laundering rules, appointment of directors and disclosure of certain details in connection with the sale of shares of the bank, the report said.
The CIMA order added that Hinduja Bank could not maintain a minimum net worth and failed to submit its audited financial statements.
Promoters hold 16.55 per cent stake in IndusInd. As on March 31, 2021, Indusind International Holdings held 12.61 per cent and Indusind Limited held 3.94 per cent.
In a communication to stock exchanges, IndusInd Bank denied reports that said bank is a subsidiary of Hinduja Bank calling it “malicious, untrue and baseless.”
The Hinduja Bank became a Swiss-regulated entity in 1994 after being established in 1978. The bank operates in many places around the world, including Dubai, London, Paris, New York, Chennai, Mumbai, Mauritius and Cayman Islands, it said.