Should you steer of clear consumer stocks now?

The impact of rising crude prices will be seen on the demand for both consumer durables and nondurables over the next six months, says Sandip Sabharwal, analyst,

Could the market be headed for some consolidation before the next up move?
In the ideal scenario, there should be some consolidation correction because Indian markets have been rising even if as many other markets have been either consolidating or correcting. The good thing is that the monsoon progress is quite rapid and crude price moderation could happen going forward. We have seen a significant rise in many of the food article prices. However, there are other inflationary pressures around us, which are global in nature, especially related to crude, petroleum, plastic, steel and metals.

That is something which markets need to absorb as they move forward. My guess is there is a case for consolidation as well as correction. Consumer durable demand is not picking up as rapidly as people expected and that is the segment we should be careful about. On the investment side, the trend should still be strong and there could be some opportunities in sectors that are still relatively under-owned.

How is the Street going to read into the warning letter that has got for its Somerset facility in the US?
The US FDA was not focussed on these issues for a long time. Now the plant inspection etc, have started again and we could see some sporadic incidents for the pharma companies also. It is tough to generalise because every plant is separate. But Lupin will have a near-term impact, especially given the fact that the stock actually rallied despite not reporting any great results for the last few quarters,

There is downside risk to Lupin despite the fact that its valuations have come down lower than many of the other larger companies. But for many companies this is still a trigger where some plants are still under warning, etc. So, on the other hand, this could act as a positive for companies where resolution happens because for the last one year, neither any resolution nor new warnings are happening.

Do you see crude throwing a spanner in the works going forward over the next couple of months?
The rise in crude prices obviously impacts consumer demand because even a back-of-the-envelope calculation on the price increases last March till now — not even assuming another 10-15% increase in fuel prices — takes away around Rs 5 lakh crore from the hands of Indian consumers because most of the crude is imported.

So to that extent, all the money actually has to go away from the consumption of some other item because consumer incomes are not growing as much. Some surveys have shown that consumer incomes have fallen to 2019 levels! This has an impact on what people consume. To that extent, both the sentimental and real impact will happen and the impact will be seen in the demand for both consumer durables and nondurables over the next six months.

Is on a sound footing?
It started on a strong up move before the second Covid wave hit us and to that extent, there has been some impact on the sector. But real estate overall has gone through a 10-year phase where the entire segment has stagnated. The revival cycle, which has started now, will play out. The office space business, given the hybrid nature of working which is coming up now, will not improve the way it should have ideally. But the residential demand uptick is for real.

Given the interest rates in the economy and the fact that many Indians prefer to buy real estate, there is still a demand for residential real estate and DLF has also been successful in cutting down its debt on a steady basis. So, it is well placed. I saw a lot of analysts’ reports. They are still pretty conservative compared to what many analysts are betting on in many other sectors. So I would think that DLF is well placed. There is upside in this stock going forward.

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