CLSA said Nazara, as India’s first listed gaming company, carries a hefty scarcity premium of three times to its India coverage and 10-75 per cent to global gaming peers.
The brokerage has a target of Rs 1,095 on the stock based on its FY23 EV/Ebitda of 17 times, in line with global gaming peers. The stock fell as much as 2.25 per cent to Rs 1,622.45 on Friday. The price target suggests a 32.5 per cent fall from the prevailing price. It also suggests a discount to its IPO issue price of Rs 1,101.
A niche play within the domestic mobile gaming industry, eSports accounts for 10 per cent of the sector’s $1.2 billion revenue as of 2020. While Nazara Tech is a leader in eSports in India and is targeting tournament intellectual properties (IPs), CLSA said the competition is set to intensify in the segment led by Jio Games, Dream 11, MPL, and Paytm First Games.
“Nazara’s balance sheet has net cash of Rs 480 crore in FY21, but promoter ownership is low at 21 per cent. We forecast 35-73 per cent compounded annual growth rate by FY24, but with consolidated revenue likely at Rs 850 crore and Ebitda at Rs 170 crore by FY23, stock valuation is expensive at six times FY23 EV/sales and 29 times EV/Ebitda,” the brokerage said.
Nazara got listed in March at Rs 1,592, up 45 per cent over its issue price of Rs 1,101 per share. The issue was subscribed 175 times.
In April, the gaming company Nazara Technologies said it clocked 84 per cent jump in consolidated revenue at Rs 454.2 crore for FY21, driven by strong growth momentum in segments like gamified learning and e-sports. Profit for the year came in at Rs 13.60 crore against Rs 26.80 crore losses in FY20.
At its conference call, the company’s management stated that its focus continues to be on cash flow-driven profitable operations and unit economics.
The company said it intends to continue building a diversified platform with asset light businesses.
“Nazara will look to drive strong revenue growth going forward, while maintaining a reasonable balance between growth and profitability. It will utilise its cash balance for inorganic acquisitions if required. Management remains excited about FY22 given its growth momentum and healthy unit economics,” IIFL said.
CLSA said that popular global eSports games, such as PUBG, Fortnight and Call of Duty, are finding favour in India. Game publishers own the intellectual property, while Nazara, backed by partnerships, is growing eSports in India, it said.
“Nazara’s telco subscriptions would decline, but we forecast its consolidated revenue at Rs 850 crore by FY23, led by eSports and gamified learning,” it said.
Nazara this week announced acquiring a majority stake in Publishme, the largest mobile game publishing agency in the Middle East and Turkey.