Sales rose 13.35 per cent to Rs 212.26 crore in the quarter ended March 2021 as against Rs 187.26 crore during the previous quarter ended March 2020.
The company has announced in annual general meeting (AGM) on August 19, 2021, Thursday. The company board has declared a dividend of Re 1, per share for the financial year 2020-21, subject to approval of members at the ensuing AGM.
In the last one year, shares of GPT Infraprojects have delivered up to 220 per cent return. The counter has surged 86 per cent in the last one month.
For the full financial year, net profit rose 34.44 per cent to Rs 20.22 crore in the year ended March 2021 as against Rs 15.04 crore during the previous year ended March 2020. However, sales declined 1.42 per cent to Rs 609.24 crore in the year ended March 2021.