On Wednesday, the scrip climbed 11.23 per cent to climb a fresh three-year high of Rs 168.35 on BSE.
The company reported a 30.71 per cent YoY growth in net profit at Rs 1,352.38 crore for March quarter compared with Rs 1,034.52 crore reported for the same quarter last year. Turnover for the quarter grew 18 per cent YoY to Rs 6,757 crore from Rs 5,725 crore.
Analysts noted that BEL has already accounted for the execution of avionics related to Tejas MK 2, as HAL has received a letter of intent (LoI) for the same. Future opportunities for BEL include Jammer for LCA. Besides, HAL’s light utility helicopters (LUH) may require sensors and weapons, which may significantly augment BEL’s avionics revenues, analysts said.
said BEL recorded a 9 per cent growth in topline and 150 bps expansion in standalone Ebitda margin for FY21, despite revenue falling 20 per cent in Q1.
“There has been a working capital release of Rs 2,300 crore for FY21, driven by Rs 2,800 crore of H2FY21 working capital release – another remarkable statistic. To add to the achievements, order acquired has been Rs 15,200 crore in Fy21 (Rs 5,400 crore for Q4), thereby maintaining a healthy book-to-bill of 3.9 times. BEL’s performance continues to stand out within listed defence PSU space,” the brokerage said.
Motilal Oswal said BEL’s revenues were 7 per cent ahead of its estimates. Ebitda growth of 33 per cent YoY was 43 per cent ahead of Motilal’s expectation. Ebitda margina at 28.5 per cent also bet its estimates of 21.3 per cent.
“Ebitda margin expansion is driven primarily by lower employee costs (17 per cent YoY) and lesser other expenses (down 10 per cent YoY). Adjusted PAT grew 31 per cent YoY to Rs 13.5 and was 39 per cent ahead of our estimates,” it said and recommended a ‘buy’ call on the stock.
Philip Capital said BEL still remains its preferred play on the structural defence theme in India.