What has been the impact of the second wave on residential pricing and demand?
Clearly when we last spoke, we were coming off the first wave and frankly from October last year onwards there was a very strong bounce back of the entire residential segment. We ourselves did a number of new launches as well in the low to mid-rise category. The super luxury product started moving very well. In fact, even the mid-income housing was moving very well. I think that trend sustained through Q4 till March as our results show as well; not only ours, I mean most listed companies’ results would show.
Clearly the break to that entire journey happened with the second wave because again for almost six weeks everybody was in a variety of lockdowns depending on the geographies that you are. In NCR –Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida – all the major geographies were closed for almost six weeks. But since things have begun moving back, I would say from the second half of May onwards, the residential sales seem to have come back. I would not say that it has been a completely smooth bounce back as if those six weeks never happened. But again, the bounce back is looking strong. We had lot of sales discussions which were interrupted by the lockdown. Those have resumed and those sales are beginning to get consummated. We are reverting to our launch pipeline as we had indicated. Hopefully, this was a six-week interruption; unfortunate, but on the residential side things seem to be coming back into the stride they were in.
Can we safely assume that you would not like to change your target for FY22 which is of 30% growth and sales booking guidance of Rs 1,000 crore per quarter?
Directionally we stick to Rs 1,000 crore a quarter guidance, but in all fairness, there could be a quarter like the ones where we are currently in, where because of the long inactivity period of almost half the quarter, that guidance could be coming off slightly. But directionally, for a Rs 1,000 crore quarter our launch pipeline and existing inventory supports that sales guidance for sure.
In the first wave you had given concessions to some of your tenants. Are you considering something like this right now also?
In all fairness, the remit of the entire rental business, the JV with GIC, I am sure those discussions are going on. But I do not necessarily have a decision which I can currently announce. Clearly, we continue to be very sensitive to not only our retailers or office goers, but we have also enhanced the levels of safety, the levels of filtration in air conditioning, and all of those things. We would be trying to help all the concerned stakeholders, but honestly the specific decision that you are asking about has not been taken yet.
Can we expect buying interest to remain? What is the momentum that you are looking at and can real estate now be considered affordable?
Clearly, the low or the moderate interest rates of the sub-7% for home buyers has been a huge driver to this entire resurgence of demand in the residential segment. I do not think there can be any two opinions on that. Luckily you are right, that despite the inflationary trends all the home mortgages continue to be in the sub-7 range which makes the EMIs far more affordable.
When I say affordable, honestly it is affordable across price segments. It is affordable for somebody who is borrowing for a Rs 50 lakh loan and it is affordable for somebody who is borrowing for a Rs 5 crore loan. Clearly the benign climate of home loan rates continues to be a very strong driver and has been one of the factors which has been behind this entire growth in the residential segment in the last six to eight months.
Is there any scope to actually pass on those input costs? What are some of the other triggers that you feel can play out?
One thing that the so-called ‘downturn’ in the last three or four years has taught not only us, but across all players, is that nobody should be – if I may use the word – flamboyant or cowboyish as far as pricing strategies are concerned. Having said that, the demand for the right product at the right location with the right credible builder is clearly seeing a significant strengthening. As an example, we launched our independent floors, which is like a four-storeyed offering in Gurgaon in October and in the last six months the difference between our first launch and the pricing at which we are offering today has almost been a 30% plus increase fuelled by the demand and the product is still being absorbed.
Clearly if you have the right product there are pricing opportunities, but people should not just price themselves because they believe that a product cannot be dipped below a certain price. I think you have to price it at what the market believes is the right price for that location. I do not think that you can price it unrealistically now, but clearly as our independent floor shows: there is definite scope for price improvement as the product gains acceptance in the market.
What about commercial spaces, how are the occupancy trends there and does work from home continue to be a big threat?
Let us first look at the data. Our vacancy levels used to be in the 4-5% range for a very long time and as our reported results for March-end quarter show, our vacancy levels are currently running at 11-12%. We do not rule out the fact that the vacancy levels in offices could go up further by a couple of percentage points. In fact, this is also fairly consistent with the results that the listed REITs are also showing. Clearly, the vacancy levels have gone up.
It is driven by two or three things. One, the strategic shift to work from home – which we believe is a temporary thing – will be a very strong component of work going forward, I think clearly it is not that people will not begin coming back to offices and to some degree at least the work from home impact will be neutralised by hopefully greater de-densification in offices. Those classical norms of 70-80 square feet per work station, those would need to be enhanced given the entire Covid situation and the planning going forward. The second wave has not helped.
There is a tendency of the new lessees to defer decisions. Site visits unfortunately are not happening. Many times, most multinational tenants are APAC teams or their global teams used to do site inspections. Those visits obviously have not happened, so those have also deferred the entire discussion on new leasing. Clearly, the vacancy levels will continue to be at these levels possibly in the next couple of quarters. But again, fundamentally the India story has not changed.
The IT, ITES, research, BFSI, all of those sectors continue to be strong. The premium on Indian talent will continue to be there, if not strengthen even further. We still believe that yes, will this cost us two or three quarters in the entire process? For sure, yes. But fundamentally the trajectory should come back. In fact, we are continuing with the capex of building out three of our major capex projects. Two in Gurgaon and one in Chennai. In the intense period of the pandemic, we signed a big deal in Chennai with one of the biggest foreign banks, which is their single biggest facility across the world. Things are happening, but yes, clearly there is a slowness of decision making and there is hesitancy in signing up large spaces. We believe that this could be in the next two to three quarters. It could take time before things start coming back to normal.
The other thing I wanted to talk about was also the overall debt picture at . Give us more details in terms of the assets which have been identified and the timeline for the REIT.
Again, what we are saying is that the entire DLF Cyber City portfolio, which is the joint venture with GIC of Singapore, has a run rate hopefully in the above Rs 3,700 crore odd per year of rental income. We are in the process of doing the internal structuring steps that will be required to make it REIT ready. Obviously, the entire lockdowns and the stop-start nature of life in the last six months has led to a delay of maybe a quarter or so, but we are broadly on track to have the internal structuring steps completed for us to be REIT ready in the next four quarters.
When the REIT actually happens will be a combination of really two things. One is obviously how the macro markets are in terms of interest rates, the performance of the other listed REITs, the overall interest of FIIs and domestic institutions in the REITs as a product. And second frankly, our decision of when the two shareholders – GIC and us – jointly look at actually approaching the markets. But we clearly want to be in a situation where we are completely ready for the push of a button, if I may say so. Then we wait for the opportune climate and the opportune decision by the two shareholders to move. Right now, we are getting REIT ready. We are not necessarily moving into a REIT public listing immediately, but we are definitely getting ourselves ready for a REIT.
While everybody is committing to capex and expanding their balance sheet, is DLF likely to miss out now that a new capex cycle and a new revival cycle has started?
I mean you have been a veteran in these markets. Clearly there was a joyride that all of us took in the 2007 to 2009 timeframe which frankly, I do not think we are necessarily prepared to go down again, even as some of our compatriots embark on those journeys. But you know, conservatism is a relative term. Frankly we had a significant amount of WIP inventory, etc., which we were intent upon completing and getting to the customers despite the markets being what they were in the last three or four years. I think we have now completed that entire cycle.
As we have indicated in the last two quarters, we are now embarking on the next build out cycle. In fact, that is the reason we are beginning to get these newer launches into the market as well. So far, you have seen them in Gurgaon, over the next quarters you will start seeing them in Delhi, you will start seeing them in other parts of geography including the south. We will clearly be far less coy in terms of getting the products that we have into the market in terms of new launches.
Now in terms of buying new assets and that sort of thing, frankly we are not crazy about buying stuff. But if there is an interesting or tempting opportunity that arises in the micro market where either we do not have a presence and we want to or something which strengthens our existing portfolio, I mean sure we will be open to it. But yes, we are not hungry for growth through acquisition because we have enough land pipeline at our end to be able to deliver a sustained growth on a reasonably consistent basis go forward.
In the rental business as I mentioned earlier, we are already working on three new build outs: two in Gurgaon and one in Chennai. There should be one more in Hyderabad coming up that may be in the next few months. And I think we remain committed to the fact that despite the short-term blip that has happened on the offices market, fundamentally in the next couple of years by which time these capexes are ready for leasing and for operations, hopefully the demand cycle should have begun coming back.