Your growth plan
Like in every project, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Start with a three-month written growth plan. Writing it down commits you to thinking clearly. Three months at a time keep you motivated for results. Make a table where the columns from left to right read serial number, impact or goal, output measurement, target and deadline, quality, input actions, resources required and weekly score. Let’s say the first need is to learn advanced Excel techniques. Then the impact could be, I get to finish my work faster. Output measurement—use Excel without support, target successful 90% of the time by three months. Quality—get it right from memory. Input actions—invest three hours weekly to learn from Youtube videos and implement on current worksheets. Finally resources—take help from colleague. Maintain this table and score yourself on a scale of 10 every week. The table keeps you on track for growing from a 0/10 to 8 or 9 in three months.
Read for breadth
The five-hour rule was made popular by Michael Simmons, founder of Empact, who says that the most successful people spend at least an hour a day or five hours a week on learning or practising through their entire lifetime. It starts with reading, a habit common to Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jack Ma, Elon Musk and many self made billionaires. Start small with 15 minutes a day, five minutes at a time. Start on a book—physical or electronic or even audio. Use waiting time, exercise time, commute time or a break to get going. The topic you choose does not matter initially. Soon you will read more books in a year than in an average person’s lifetime. This gives you a tremendous breadth of direct knowledge including how your industry and job works and indirect knowledge of how the world works that you can apply to your job. After some time, you are miles ahead of where you started from. To hasten the process, learn speed-reading.
Do for depth
Reading is meaningless unless you take away something solid and build on what you already know. Pause to think when you read something interesting. What does it mean to you? Where does it fit in with what you already know? How does it impact your current role or career? How can you use it at work today? Then you find that you forget your learning unless you write it down and use it. Suppose you read a book on an effective sales technique. Understand your notes and apply it on your next sales call. In subsequent calls, improve on what did not work, until it does. You are on the path to mastering a topic that you knew nothing about until you read and applied it. To speed it up, experiment daily on multiple topics that you read and understood.
Time management
How can you take out hours for learning in a busy routine? Here you can use scientifically proven facts. Short frequent bursts of learning are more effective than longer sessions done once in a while. Start small with 5-10 minutes of time between breaks in your tasks. Grow it to 30-45 minutes when you can, and make it part of your routine. Mark one day to review the material and notes from the last seven days. This helps commit it to long term memory. Finally, sleeping improves learning so make sure that your brain is rested between learning sessions. If you are dealing with a tough skill like say negotiations, practice different methods in different situations instead of repeating one. This speeds up the process of mastery.
Continuous growth
It is easy to get excited about a new journey but tough to stay motivated long enough to complete it or to make it a life long quest. How can you make rapid learning a regular part of your life’s work and thus reward yourself with continuous fast progress in your career? The first step is a reminder system. Post your learning goal on your work desk or stick it on a wall or make it the wallpaper on your laptop or mobile. Set a calendar reminder for your daily learning routine. Make sure that you see your goals daily. Remind yourself each time, why you are doing this and visualise the destination. Always start with small steps and measure your progress. This keeps you away from early exhaustion and provides positive feedback to fuel you further. Know what prevents you from reaching your goal and avoid those temptations—let me watch a video for 10 minutes and then I will read. Finally, get an accountability partner, either someone who is committed to the same journey like another student in your course or someone who will follow up to hold you to your promises like a family member or friend.
Learning for exams
1. Testing
This standalone method is supreme for best exam results. Acquire mock questions papers including past tests. Solve one paper a day in exam style deadlines. Then study only those answers that you did not know. Complete the entire set of questions papers and then repeat the cycle three to five times. Do not study anything else. Works best when you are committed.
2. Teaching
This method leads to the maximum long term learning and retention. Study alone and then teach others who are happy to learn from you rather than work hard themselves. You get a structured revision of the topic, your memory is strengthened and your learning weaknesses are ironed out by their queries. Teaching a group works better than teaching one.
3. Skim
When you are beginning a new topic or subject, first skim the material. Look at only the headings or chapters or the fi rst few lines. How is the material structured? Why? What will you learn at each stage? How does it fi t with the next sub-topic? Draw or write down the flow in a notebook. That will speed up the learning that follows.
4. Notes
To remember your learning during an exam, you have to make notes. Refer to the flow you have written. In each subtopic, make handwritten notes breaking it down into numbered points and further sub-points. These could include formulae, drawings etc. For pre-exam revision you have concise notes that say, the sub-topic has four points and 13 sub points.
5. 1 Page visual
After having made notes for the entire exam syllabus, you have to compress it all into one page. Divide the page into boxes for chapters or topics. In each box compress the numbered sub-topics and their points into 1-3 words each in small handwriting. Now revise and reproduce this sheet from memory. You are ready for the exam!
(The author is a career coach, mentor and the author of