New Delhi: Reliance Retail Ventures Ltd on Tuesday purchased shares worth over Rs 1,332 crore in Just Dial Ltd, through an open market transaction. The scrips were offloaded by Just Dial’s promoter, Venkatachalam Sthanu Subraman.
According to block deal data on the BSE, Reliance Retail Ventures bought 1.3 crore scrips at an average price of Rs 1,020 apiece.
The total deal value stood at Rs 1,332.23 crore.
The scrips were sold by Subraman at the same price.
According to the shareholding data for the June 2021 quarter, Subraman is a promoter of the firm and held 30.9 per cent stake.
Shares of Just Dial on Tuesday ended at Rs 989.7 apiece, down 2.76 per cent on the BSE.