The RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group company saw total income grow 39.8 per cent to Rs 1,484.8 crore in the latest June quarter. In the year-ago period, the same stood at Rs 1,062 crore. In constant currency, the company’s revenues grew 38.5 per cent in the said quarter.
“…we delivered yet another solid quarter driven by sustained momentum across our industry segments. Our systematic focus and investment in sales, account management, digital solutions, and skills is seeing encouraging results,” RPSG Group and Firstsource Solutions Chairman Sanjiv Goenka said.
He added that the company continues to drive revenue expansion with its existing clients while onboarding new clients across the business.
The company onboarded 17 new clients during the June 2021 quarter. Its headcount stood at 27,916 employees as of June 30, 2021 quarter.