TeamLease share price: Buy TeamLease Services, target price Rs 4200: Motilal Oswal

Motilal Oswal has buy call on Services with a target price of Rs 4200. The current market price of TeamLease Services Ltd. is Rs 3876.4. Time period given by analyst is one year when TeamLease Services price can reach defined target.

TeamLease Services Ltd., incorporated in the year 2000, is a Mid Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 6593.71 Crore) operating in Services sector.

For the quarter ended 30-06-2021, the company reported a Consolidated Total Income of Rs 1381.34 Crore, up 2.34 % from last quarter Total Income of Rs 1349.80 Crore and up 21.11 % from last year same quarter Total Income of Rs 1140.55 Crore. Company reported net profit after tax of Rs 26.92 Crore in latest quarter.

Investment Rationale
Given some level of uncertainty in the economy (due to the back and forth on lockdowns), some of the otherwise permanent roles are likely to be fulfilled through flexi-staffing, as employers attempt to maintain variable costs. The brokerage noticed similar trends in the immediate aftermath of the GFC and demonetization, when Staffing companies benefitted due to positive hiring trends in some verticals. Such a trend should likely play out in the near term, benefitting Staffing firms such as TEAM. Over the medium term, as both the Central and State governments look to liberalize and formalize the labor market, TEAM should be among the biggest direct beneficiaries.

Promoter/FII Holdings
Promoters held 34 per cent stake in the company as of June 30, 2021, while FIIs held 37.1 per cent, DIIs 17.6 per cent and public and others 11.3 per cent.

(Disclaimer: Views and recommendations given in this section are the analysts’ own and do not represent those of Please consult your financial adviser before taking any position in the stock/s mentioned.

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