Zomato share price: Buy Zomato if and when you get it at significantly reduced valuations: Sudip Bandyopadhyay

I know some of the international research reports have pegged the valuations higher compared to current levels but we do not subscribe to that view and we will advise investors not to get involved in at this stage, says Sudip Bandyopadhyay, Group Chairman, Inditrade Capital.

Are you a shareholder of Zomato? If not, what is holding you back?
I do not want to be a shareholder of Zomato right now at the kind of valuation at which it is listed and the kind of valuation it is currently quoting. I am not for a minute saying it is a bad business or that the future will be uncertain. I think they have a good future. They have raised a lot of money and they are in a segment where the growth potential is significant. But the valuation at which it is currently quoting leaves very little room for error or growth on this level. I know some of the international research reports have pegged the valuations higher compared to current levels but we do not subscribe to that view and we will advise investors not to get involved in Zomato at this stage. Keep watching the space. If and when it is available at a significantly reduced valuations, it may be worth looking at.

Where within insurance are you finding comfort?
SBI Life has been our favourite pick for some time. We also like Max Financial Services. Max Life Insurance is also doing a whole lot of right things. The agency channel which Max has developed is kind of unparalleled and that is a channel which probably is the least cost insurance mobilisation channel and that has been standing Max in good stead. We believe that there is significant opportunity for price appreciation and value accretion in that space in Max Life and of course

through that.

These are the two companies where investors can even now consider buying if they have a long term view. But having said, the Covid second wave has given a jolt to the sector. The sharp rise in claims have led to significant erosion in profitability and margins but that is an one off. Hopefully, we will not see a recurrence of that in the near future. It is a great sector to be in but at this stage, these are the only two companies where we will recommend buying.

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