The IPO comprises a fresh issue worth Rs 400 crore and an offer for sale (OFS) of up to 8,525,520 shares by existing shareholders. The IPO is being sold in the price band of Rs 933-954, with asking valuations coming in at 77 times FY21 earnings per share. If the issue is successful, the company would command a post-issue market cap of Rs 2,994 crore.
Anand Rathi said the asking valuations are lower than the industry average of 85.99 times on an FY21 earnings basis.
“A strong balance sheet and healthy operating cash flows should enable the company to pursue growth opportunities and fund its strategic initiatives. Hence, we recommend a “subscribe” rating on the issue,” the brokerage said.
The company on Tuesday allocated 56,28,937 shares to 44 anchor investors at Rs 954 apiece, aggregating to Rs 537 crore.
Krsnaa is a large and differentiated diagnostic service provider, which offers a range of technology-enabled diagnostic services such as imaging, pathology and teleradiology services to public and private hospitals, medical colleges and community health centres pan-India. The company focuses on the public-private partnership (PPP) diagnostics segment and has the largest presence in the diagnostic PPP segment.
Religare Securities said Krsnaa is well placed to benefit from growing industry trends on the back of its scale, strong brand equity and extensive footprint across India.
It said the company’s PPP agreements, which deploy diagnostic centres for its radiology and pathology services, are typically long-term contracts that ensure visibility of revenues for its operations.
The company plans to expand its network of diagnostics centres and diagnostic service offerings. It also plans to increase its digital footprint and continue to focus on improving profitability and efficiency.
“The financial performance has been healthy for the company. With promising industry growth prospects coupled with a strong execution track record, we have a positive view on the company for the long term,” Religare said.