On the BSE, AA Plus Tradelink Ltd. (down 15.29 per cent), De Nora India (down 13.80 per cent), Starlit Power Sys. (down 9.99 per cent), Shish Industries (down 9.92 per cent) and Aananda Lakshmi Spin (down 9.87 per cent) were among the stocks that plunged over 5 per cent during the session.
In the Nifty pack, 37 stocks traded in the green, while 13 stocks traded in the red.
The Nifty index was trading 33.35 points up at 16327.95.
On the BSE, Garnet Intnl, Rander Corp, Bhakti Gems and Jewe, Gautam Gems and Wagend Infra hit their fresh 52-week lows, while Veeram Securities, Yasho Industries, Barbeque-Nation Hospitality Ltd., PVP Ventures Ltd. and Shivalik Rasayan touched their fresh 52-week highs.