What do you make of Rs 22,500 crore equity inflow? It looks to be on the higher side because of the flexi cap inflow of more than Rs 11,500 crore. Overall what is the sense that you are getting?
The sense that we are getting is numbers are playing out with normalcy getting back on the Covid side and people getting on with their lives. Of course, there is money to be invested and once there is a good proposition, they may go up. I am not just referring to that one NFO which obviously did skew the numbers a bit, but if you look at the broad numbers — whether it was just the overall equity and the large and mid category — which we think is the category to watch out for wealth creation in the future.
We rate that category higher than a multi cap or a flexi cap or large cap category from the next 5-10 years perspective and, of course, the balanced fund is now getting out of that monthly income redemption.
So when we look at the inflows across categories — be it mid, small, hybrid, large and mid and of course large and multi caps — it just shows the underlying sentiment of investors, who are now getting back to their lives of investing like they used to before Covid arrived. I just hope and pray that we do not get a strong third wave and things again go out of kilter.
Now, we are seeing things getting back to where they were before and the only worrying factor is that there is no sense of feeling left out. I hope people are coming in with their investment horizons intact, especially in the mid and small cap category. The near term strong return should not be playing on the minds of people.