Similarly, Jupiter India Fund bought 389,446 shares of CarTrade Tech at Rs. 1,575.55 apiece through a bulk deal on the NSE.
Shares of CarTrade Tech ended 6.8 per cent lower at Rs. 1,491 on the NSE.
In another transaction, Partners Group Private Equity Fund sold 3.06 million shares of at Rs. 2,452.5 per share through multiple block deals on the BSE.
Marquee institutional investors such as the Government of Singapore, HDFC Mutual Fund, Morgan Stanley Asia, Kota Mutual Fund and others picked up the stake sold by Partners Group in Aavas Financiers.
Meanwhile, Elara India Opportunities Fund bought 2.8 million shares of Karda Constructions at Rs. 22.45 apiece through a bulk deal on the NSE.
Following are the other major bulk and block deals that took place on the NSE and BSE today: