After rallying 5 per cent from the recent low, Nifty witnessed mild throwback in today’s trade. Continuing the recent uptrend, Nifty opened with an upward gap. However, after marking record high at 17,226, Nifty erased early gains to settle below 17100. Appearance of bearish candle with a close near day’s low indicates possible consolidation to digest recent gains. Immediate trading band for Nifty is seen between 16900-17200 zone.
Nifty breadth was flat and even going ahead, stock-specific action is likely to continue. Bank Nifty ended in the green for the fifth straight session. However, a long legged Doji candle with a large upper shadow indicates that Bank Nifty might consolidate within the 36000-37000 zone.
On the sectoral front, the infrastructure index is holding ground. Mild throwback is possible following a swift up move of more than 5 per cent in the last few days. However, such pullbacks should be considered as buying opportunities.
Bulls took a pause in the IT space. The index erased prior session’s gains. Metal index snapped three sessions’ winning streak; negative follow-up action could attract mild correction.
near Rs 484-482
Stop loss: Rs 473
Target: Rs 504
After losing 13 per cent from record high, the stock found support near the Rs 440 zone. Recovery thereafter ensures resumption of uptrend.
September future near Rs 372-373
Stop loss: Rs 482
Target: Rs 352
Recovery after swift decline remained short lived. Negative follow-up action could drag the stock below recent lows.
(Amit Trivedi is CMT, Technical Analyst – Institutional Equities, YES Securities. Views are his own)