MUMBAI: PNB Housing has informed the stock exchanges that markets regulator Sebi has approached the Supreme Court against a split order by the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT). Sebi is pushing the housing finance firm to relook at a deal to sell a Rs 4,000-crore stake to private equity investors led by Carlyle on the grounds that valuation norms have not been followed.
“It has been brought to our notice that Sebi has filed an appeal (no. CA5052 of 2021) to the Supreme Court of India against the order of SAT. The company is examining the appeal filed by Sebi,”
said in a notice to the stock exchanges.
On August 9, SAT delivered a split verdict over PNB Housing’s share allocation to Carlyle Group. This followed an interim order where SAT had restricted PNB Housing from disclosing the results of shareholder votes on the deal. Sebi had asked the housing finance companies to call off the voting. However, following an appeal by the company, SAT allowed the general body to vote on the proposal.