Best mutual funds for daughter’s education

I am 27-year-old working mother.. I am planning to invest in mutual funds for my daughter’s education and marriage. I am planning to invest total of Rs 4,000 (Rs 2,000 each in two different funds). I am looking for a long term which would yield me higher returns. Pease suggest me the best SIP to invest.

— Deepa Ganesh

Juzer Gabajiwala, Director – mutual fund research, Ventura Securities, based in Mumbai, responds:

Since both your goals are long term, you can invest in one fund in the Flexi Cap category. The funds in this category invests across market caps- that is, of large cap, mid cap and small cap. The strategy is such as to take the exposure based on the opportunities available in the market irrespective of the market cap. Rather than having an individual fund which has focus on single segment, it will be beneficial to look at funds which can have allocation in each of these types. The 5 -year category average return of the flexi cap funds is around 14%.

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