India VIX moved up 3.89 per cent from 14.54 to 15.10 level. Volatility rose because of the pressure on Call writers, as the market has been gradually hitting new highs every day. Now, VIX needs to hold below 13 level to continue its bullish stance, but a higher VIX level may cause some volatile swings in the market.
On the options front, maximum Put Open Interest stood at 17,000 level followed by 16,500 while maximum Call OI was seen at 17,500 level followed by 17,400. There was Call writing at 17,400 and then 18,000 levels while Put writing was seen at 17,000 and then 17,400 levels. Options data suggested a broader trading range between 16,800 and 17,800 levels while an immediate trading range stood between 17,100 and 17,500 levels.
Bank Nifty opened positive but lacked the momentum and failed to hold at higher levels. It closed near the day’s low point with a loss of around 170 points. It formed a bearish candle on the daily scale and the bears were seen active in the rate-sensitive index. The overall price setup suggested a tug of war, but the major trend remained intact to bullish. Now the index has to hold above 36,500 level to witness a bounce towards 37,000 and 37,250 levels, while on the downside, support was seen at 36,250 and then 36,000 levels.
Nifty futures closed positive with a gain of 0.44 per cent at 17,406 level. Among specific stocks, the trade setup looked bullish in India Mart, IRCTC, Escorts, Wipro, Polycab, IEX, Voltas, MCX, IGL,
, Cummins Inds, Hcl Tech, , MGL, Eicher Motor and TechM but weak in ICICI Lombard, Gujarat Gas, Motherson Sumi, , Sun Pharma, HDFC Bank and PowerGrid.
(Chandan Taparia is Technical & Derivative Analyst at MOFSL. Investors are advised to consult financial advisers before taking an investment calls based on these observations)